ESM Branding | ESM Branding | Branded Technology
We provide the latest branded technology and promotional gadgets. From branded USBs, bluetooth speakers, smart devices to the latest promo powerbanks.
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We love our branded gadgets in the office and there’s always a scramble to get hands on the latest samples as they arrive in from suppliers.

Beyond the powerbanks, other branded gadgets that are proving a hit already this year included branded bluetooth speakers and smart devices. More and more products are becoming ‘Smart’ where you can connect to them via your smart phone, using various apps, from smart padlocks to activity trackers. Again, there are dozens to choose from in each category with products to suit all budgets.

Oh, if you like the flip catalogue below, get in touch and we’ll ship you a hard copy (with some goodies of course!)

Looking for some promotional gadgets?

You can get in touch now and we’ll give you a price today! 0345 345 6060.

Contact Us

+44 (0) 345 345 6060

The Studios
Luckings Estate
Magpie Lane
United Kingdom

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Please request one of our catalogues or get in touch for some branded merchandise ideas today.

ESM Branding is a global distributor of promotional merchandise, corporate schemes, webshops and associated branding consultancy.


    about us

    Using branded merchandise as a marketing tool is certainly a challenge. So finding that one promotional item to successfully fulfil your marketing objectives is tough.

    That’s where ESM come in.

    Some of the biggest brands in the world trust ESM to manage their branded merchandise. For example branded pens, branded sweets, branded mugs, branded USB sticks, branded clothing, branded stationery and branded notebooks.
    If you’re looking for promotional merchandise consultants you can trust, you’ve come to the right place.

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