ESM Branding | Branded Merchandise Ideas
We love finding great merchandise ideas that will represent brand and impress the audience receiving them.
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Branded Merchandise Ideas

Using branded merchandise as a marketing tool is certainly a challenge.

So finding that one promotional item to successfully fulfil your marketing objectives is tough.

That’s where ESM come in.

With a searchable database of over 2 million products, we are confident we can find a selection of branded products that will represent brand and impress the audience receiving them. Our database is searchable by keyword, so if given a theme we can provide you with a list of ideas in minutes. From Animals to Zeppelins, budgets large and small, we’ve got it covered.

We guide you through every step of the process. From concept and product selection through to quality control and global delivery.

Knowing the entire branded merchandise ideas process is in the best hands is why some of the biggest brands in the world have chosen to work with ESM.

We understand that your brand means everything to you. Trust us to act as a custodian of your brand, selecting the right products at the right time to enhance that brand and grow your business.

We don’t charge for our ideas service. Not a single penny 🙂

Some of our favourite ideas…

Cloud communications giant Sinch, with global offices and thousands of staff worldwide rely on ESM to manage their merchandise distribution. Sinch require a merchandise partner that understands global product delivery.

Social media giant Snapchat relies on ESM Branding to deliver innovative branded merchandise for their marketing campaigns.

A long term client of ESM, Club Wembley, in association with Aston Martin fully benefitted from our bespoke merchandise service for their Christmas parties.

Contact Us

+44 (0) 345 345 6060

R2A Rapide Studios
De Havilland Court
R2A De Havilland Court
Penn Street
United Kingdom

© Copyright ESM Branding Ltd 2021
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Please request one of our catalogues or get in touch for some branded merchandise ideas today.

ESM Branding is a global distributor of promotional merchandise, corporate schemes, webshops and associated branding consultancy.


    about us

    Using branded merchandise as a marketing tool is certainly a challenge. So finding that one promotional item to successfully fulfil your marketing objectives is tough.

    That’s where ESM come in.

    Some of the biggest brands in the world trust ESM to manage their branded merchandise. For example branded pens, branded sweets, branded mugs, branded USB sticks, branded clothing, branded stationery and branded notebooks.
    If you’re looking for promotional merchandise consultants you can trust, you’ve come to the right place.

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