ESM Branding | ESM Branding | Branding Agency and Distributor
ESM Branding is a promotional merchandise agency. We give our clients great ideas and source the perfect engaging products in the most cost effective way.
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Branding Agency and Distributor

ESM Branding is a promotional merchandise agency. A premier distributor of promotional merchandise and associated support services including storage and worldwide distribution.

Why ESM?

We work hard to make ESM a great place to work and a great company to work with. Our clients are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make. The promotional merchandise industry is a crowded place and is naturally a price driven market. Every day we come across firms who simply sell as much product as they can for the highest price they can get away with. Little or no thought goes into product selection or which items best represent the brand they are working for. This approach frustrates us, we don’t work that way.

We’ve never taken much interest in the competition and we don’t envy people that do. We just concentrate on doing a great job and let the competition worry about us. We firmly believe that if you do a good job on one project the next one will not be far away and we treat each job with the care you would expect of your own.

ESM Buying

We source a huge amount of products from countries all over the world. With that comes the responsibility to ensure our suppliers are as committed to quality, price and ethics as we are. Equally, particularly in this industry, we have a responsibility to consider the environment. Something we take very seriously and we ensure our suppliers do so too.


We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously. We have published our environmental policy.

Contact Us

+44 (0) 345 345 6060

R2A Rapide Studios
De Havilland Court
R2A De Havilland Court
Penn Street
United Kingdom

© Copyright ESM Branding Ltd 2024
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Please request one of our catalogues or get in touch for some branded merchandise ideas today.

ESM Branding is a global distributor of promotional merchandise, corporate schemes, webshops and associated branding consultancy.


    about us

    Using branded merchandise as a marketing tool is certainly a challenge. So finding that one promotional item to successfully fulfil your marketing objectives is tough.

    That’s where ESM come in.

    Some of the biggest brands in the world trust ESM to manage their branded merchandise. For example branded pens, branded sweets, branded mugs, branded USB sticks, branded clothing, branded stationery and branded notebooks.
    If you’re looking for promotional merchandise consultants you can trust, you’ve come to the right place.

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